Posted 13 years ago by test test

POS a POS? An iPad POS System Makes POS = Position of Strength3 min read

If you’re using an outdated restaurant point-of-sale (POS) system, you already know it’s just a POS; but, you’re not SOL. There’s no app for that, but there is an iPad POS system. An iPad POS system can turn your POS into a Position of Strength.

Historically, restaurateurs have tended to view traditional, old-school POS systems as tools for managing finance and operations, and have based system selection on operational factors critical to their industry sector. For a pizza operation, for example, critical operational factors that have historically driven selection include tools for delivery dispatch, driver management, inventory, customized costing, as well as collection of transaction-generated guest-data. But, while collecting guest data is an essential part of every transaction in a delivery or take-out business, like a pizza operation, and while old-fashioned POS systems necessarily capture a wide variety of guest data from every order, few POS systems are designed to actually empower operators to avail themselves of the enormous marketing power inherent therein. Unlike outdated restaurant POS systems, the cutting-edge iPad POS system is designed to track guest habits, preferences, and affinities; mine customer intelligence; and leverage that information to enable restaurateurs to create effective, targeted, marketing campaigns, precisely tailored to their customers.

Today, the pizza sector is engaged in an unprecedented, inane price war. Companies, fighting for a slice of market share in an oversaturated market, are bombarding consumers with coupons, sales, and discount offers as never before. But, this type of price-war strategy, warn widely-acclaimed marketing and positioning strategists, Al Ries and Jack Trout, in their book, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: violate them at your own risk, only “tends to educate consumers to buy only when they can get a deal.” The battle has left companies facing increased pressure from shrinking margins, on one hand, and shell-shocked, selectively “deaf” consumers, on the other, while, pizza operators continue to amass stockpiles of customer data (including contact information (multiple phone numbers, physical addresses, email addresses), order preferences and history, demographics, and coupon tracking) that hold enormous, largely untapped, marketing power.

While market leaders understand the inherent value of these vast data reserves, the majority of operators fail to recognize it; but, even if they saw the hidden value, few old-school, traditional POS systems are able to collect and track it, much less to leverage it, and so their stockpiles of information go largely unused. Unlike outdated POS systems and databases, however, a state-of-the-art iPad POS system not only has the architecture to collect and track this wealth of consumer intelligence, but the ability to leverage that data to empower restaurateurs to sharpen the focus of their marketing, advertising, promotional, and sales messages so that they will be heard above the noise. Selecting an iPad POS system, then, is, according to Karl Martin, CEO of M&FM, Inc. — a 25-year veteran in leading POS-system selection for foodservice clients, “the key to a marketing dream come true.”

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a unique iPad Pos System solution that could work for your business. Click Here to learn more.