Posted 13 years ago by test test

Affordable iPad POS Systems Can Propel Your Restaurant Forwards2 min read

The future of hospitality is here. It is upon us. It is knocking at our doors and lying at our doorsteps, just waiting to be ushered in, welcomed and adored. Technology makes life easier. It makes things simpler to do, and it adds an abundance of convenience to the complex existences that we lead during the present day. Cars that have GPS systems in them, for example, are easier to drive because you always will know where you are going and at about what time that you can expect to arrive; no more getting lost in suburbia.

The same metaphor directly applies to restaurants – which are, by the way, in the most competitive, hostile and unforgiving industry that has the highest failure rate of any industry, and the least amount of profits, too. For restaurants that are seeking to reduce overhead costs, and vastly at that, improve net profit margins, and at the same time propel their customer service, offerings and amenities forwards at light speeds: iPad POS systems are the affordable answer.

What are iPad POS systems?

Think of any current POS solution that you are using. You pay for the software, the main hub, the batch processing fees and so forth. Most POS solutions are costly. You pay for ongoing maintenance, and you pay for software upgrades. With iPad POS systems, however, you can now ditch these outdated and bulky systems and easily replace them with elaborate and feature rich, touch screen iPad menus that offer your all-in-one complete digital menu and POS solution.

How Much do iPad POS systems Cost?

All iPad POS systems are not the same, by any means. They can greatly vary in cost. This is why you should expect the best – seeing as there are some options to choose from – but you should also not have to pay through the nose to get iPad POS systems in place at your restaurant. With our iPad POS systems, you can synch the digital menu software and the POS systems to the same tablets that you hand your guests.

Guests can browse order and pay via the Apple POS, which also track inventory, submits orders to cooks and even summons servers to tables. Considering that you can finance iPad menus for low monthly rates, and never have to pay for another POS solution, menu design costs or printing costs again, while accelerating your restaurant to the next digital level, only one questions remains: are you ready for the future?