Posted 12 years ago by test test

Announcing the Power of Food in the Hungry Hands of Patrons via Open’s Forthcoming Online Delivery App3 min read

Online Delivery App  At Open, we’d like to think that we are helping in the piloting of the next generation of food delivery and ordering services by pioneering a revolutionary method for online food delivery via our suite of intelligent iPad and smartphone apps that puts the power of food into the hungry hands of customers. As online food delivery increasingly becomes a mainstay for smartphone and tablet users, more restaurants and food service entities are racing to hop on the bandwagon of this trendsetting innovation. The key to it all working fine and dandy are integrated software solutions provided by protagonists such as us over here at Open.

In the past two years since our inception, Open has catapulted to the head of the pack for software startups. Founder credits the quick rise in stature to the ever increasing and moribund consumer demand for convenience with food service and hospitality.

“People are ready for a new way to order food,” said CEO of  Open, Inc. “As opposed to having to use an app to reserve a table, another app to view a menu, and yet another app to order food, they want it all in one app… and in the palm of their hand. With our order food app and restaurant delivery app, that’s exactly what they get.”

The forthcoming online food delivery app by Open will be announced soon in the app marketplace, and after its arrival it will be included in our continuously expanding software suite, available for any restaurant. Furthermore, upon restaurants signing up for Open’s exclusive digital solutions, they are also included in the listings of thousands of restaurants worldwide, part of the growing Open digital menu network; listings that hungry consumers can access from their smartphone app when seeking to place an order for online food delivery.

“In the near future, a hungry patron can simply access the Open online delivery app from their smartphone and be able to see thousands of restaurants that have the food they want to eat,” says SEO of Open, Inc. “Then they can browse menu items, view high-resolution pictures, read detailed descriptions, reserve a table or place and order (for delivery or carryout) and even pay (via Open iPad POS).

How many consumers would like a food delivery or online ordering app like this?

A recent study that was conducted by the National Restaurant Association revealed some interestingly convincing statistics. 39% of consumers polled stated they would use an electronic ordering device such as an iPad menu or smartphone app to order food, if it were an option. And 55% of all restaurant owners polled said that electronic payment systems like iPad POS will become a very prevalent and important part of the industry in the near future. Similarly, 35% of all Americans have already placed an online order for food, and 46% said they’d use a smartphone app to do that if it were available.

In closing today, CEO of Open, Inc. poises an important question for restaurant owners: “Imagine people being able to see your visual menu, your brand, your gourmet dishes… and being able to book an instant reservation, order food for delivery or carryout and even pay for that dish – and imagine that it was all synched to your POS system in your restaurant?”

This is all a reality, not a possibility, with Open’s trademark solution.