Posted 14 years ago by test test

Are Restaurant Electronic Menus the Future of Restaurant Menus?2 min read

Paper menus are obsolete. The newest waves of menus that are hitting eateries around the world are restaurant electronic menus. Does your favorite place have them?

Somehow, the bistros that we fancy to eat at every day are a few steps behind of the rest of the world; when you consider that they are still using antiquated technology by printing their menus on paper and using ink while operating in the digital world of tomorrow. Sure, most places have touch pad screens for their servers and staff to use so they can better improve customer service and placements of orders that are expedited back to the kitchen. Some restaurants even offer free Wi-Fi, and others feature gaudy widescreen plasma TVs with sports channels. But few are using restaurant electronic menus when they could be offering a very important amenity to their hungry patrons. If eateries are updating every other aspect of their technology, it leaves only one unanswered question: are restaurant electronic menus the future?

The Advantages of Restaurant Electronic Menus

There are numerous advantages that restaurant electronic menus offer to both the establishment and its patrons. For starters, they are more enticing, they are high-tech and they impress guests. They also streamline food ordering, wine selection, and even adding custom notes to dishes for preparation. And, restaurant electronic menus ease the job of the servers, who can focus on more tables, cutting down on operation costs and increasing customer service.

Why More Places are Implementing Restaurant Electronic Menus

It’s not too difficult to guess why more places are adding restaurant electronic menus to the mix. When compared to boring, static paper menus, there really is no comparison whatsoever. Added features, like included video games, streaming news, and social media functions (like Facebook and Twitter) keep guests entertained while they dine.

Additionally, restaurant electronic menus are attractive. They are newfangled and high-tech, and they are with the times. Many restaurants that have already implemented such menus have reported in various news articles that sales have increased substantially once they added these restaurant electronic menus. Lastly, a restaurant can update their restaurant electronic menu throughout the day to reflect different menu items, and the items can be changed as desired without the need to pay for more menu printing costs.