Posted 12 years ago by test test

Attracting More Guests Could be as Easy as a Restaurant Ordering App for Smartphones2 min read

Attracting More Guests Could be as Easy as a Restaurant Ordering App for SmartphonesIt’s an app world we live in during the modern era. As a restaurant trying to compete and retain strong retention and loyalty from your patrons, the more aptitude you have for apps, the more guests that you will attract and retain as a result. No longer must you fret over spending thousands of dollars on apps that are custom built by costly software technicians. With Open’s all-in-one digital menu solution, you get a whole bunch of fantabulous smartphone apps that require no programming, and that can serve to propel your sales through the roof. Here’s a quick look.

Restaurant Delivery App – From most Apple powered devices and handsets, your beautiful restaurant menu is displayed in vivid high-resolution. Guests can browse menu items, learn more about them, read detailed description, and enter custom cooking specifications and place an order.

Takeout App – Got food that is ready for to-go orders? Well spike up your sales and offerings by featuring a takeout app. Customers browse your menu from their smartphone handset, place a takeout order and are notified via text message when that order is ready for them to pick it up.

Reservation App – Want more reservations streaming in on a daily basis? With our reservation app, you will get them. Now customers can find your restaurant while searching on Google, and they are presented with a handy reservation app that instantly books a reservation for them and updates your system in real time.

Restaurant Menu App – Want to show off your gourmet menu to any guests that have a smartphone handset? With this app that is exactly what you can do. Imagine our gorgeous digital menus, but shrunk down a bit to accommodate smartphones. Yep, we have an app for that!

Open offers an array of desirable smartphone apps that can empower you to cash in on the growing demographic of millions upon millions of smartphone users in the US and worldwide. With an estimated 70-million smartphone users in the US already, there’s a good chance they could be surfing their smartphone for apps for your restaurant today. Our smartphone apps are included in our industry leading all-in-one solution, and they require no programming knowledge. We do all of the work for you. Start featuring your menu, takeout and reservation options in the smartphone app marketplace today for your guests as a free download. Learn more about a Smartphone App by Open, Inc.