Posted 10 years ago by test test

Best Tech Tools for Your Food Truck2 min read

Food trucks have become uber trendy in the last few years as more people have embraced the local foods movement and turned to supporting small business. People want a more authentic experience instead of sitting in yet another chain restaurant.

Of course, you’ll need a good concept and great food to make your food truck a success. However, the right tech tools can also help you grow your business. Here are a few of the best tech tools you should be using for your food truck:

iPad POS System

When you are operating out of a truck, you don’t have a lot of space. A traditional point-of-sale system can take up a huge chunk of counter space. Instead of dealing with the clunky equipment, you can use an iPad POS system and process payments easily. You can also move around outside the truck, allowing you to reach more customers or to serve them more quickly.

Smart Reader

If you can’t afford a whole point-of-sale system, you can at least offer more payment options for your customers by using a credit card reader on your smart phone. The reader typically plugs into the headphone jack, and you can swipe a credit card just the same as you would with a credit card machine. Offering customers more options for payment will help to increase sales, which can help you grow your food truck business.

Digital Menu App

A lot of customers don’t want to wait in a long line to order their food, nor do they want to wedge into a crowd and crane their necks to look up at a menu. You can save them the hassle of both by creating a digital menu app. They can pull up your menu on their smart phones or tablets and get the information they need. You can even create the app to allow them to order and pay for food right from their device. The convenience will encourage ordering, which will increase your sales.

You may not have a big gourmet establishment when you are running a food truck, but that doesn’t have to mean that you can’t use the same sophisticated tools as larger brands use to promote your company. These tech tools can help you grow your food truck and ensure your success. You may even be able to open up another truck or even a brick-and-mortar location.