Posted 12 years ago by test test

Business Usage for New, Previous iPad Owners Sees Serious Spike2 min read

Business Usage for New, Previous iPad Owners Sees Serious Spike It’s common knowledge that intuitive and user-friendly iPad tablet is a smash hit amongst consumers for personal reasons – like web browsing, e-reading, social media, apps, gaming, etc. – but according to recent statistics that were generated by CIRP (an entity that tracks usage and consumer statistics for iPad tablets and other devices – the iPad is increasingly becoming a business place device for new iPad owners as well as existing owners.

Over the past several years, iPad usage has been dominated by personal endeavors. However, the newest batch of stats purports that the biggest bump in usage for this tablet device is actually in the business demographic. Perhaps as more apps become available that are “business apps,” business owners are paying more attention; as such apps can serve to make their operations easier and more convenient.

The new iPad has been on sale for a few months, and the sales are off the charts (not that anyone didn’t expect that). CIRP tracks using the iPad tablet for popular functions such as gaming, social media and social networking, e-reading, web browsing, and so forth. The biggest spike of all of these categories was in the business realm.

According to CIRP stats: 21% of owners of the new iPad tablet say they use the device for workplace functions; 13% of existing iPad owners also say they use the device for workplace functions. (See full CIRP Chart below)

Business Usage for New, Previous iPad Owners Sees Serious Spike

There are easily explainable reasons why more users are flocking to this device for business. For business owners and employees alike, newer solutions that are powered by capable iPad tablets can greatly ease managerial and employee functions. (Case and point: check out Open’s iPad POS software and see how this can make food service businesses run more proficiently).

Key Reasons Why iPad is Attractive to Businesses

  • The new available 4G connectivity makes this tablet comparable in web browsing and download speeds to any hardwired high-speed home data or business connection.
  • The faster processors enable the tablet to perform more simultaneous functions, making it more ideal for business usage. The enhanced retina display is an enormous cadre.
  • Countless business apps that are available allow you to host anything from remote meetings to report generation, collaboration, data mining and gathering and just about everything and anything in between.

Could an iPad POS (point of sale) application actually help you run and manage your business better? See what the buzz is for yourself, and for free. Download the Free Open iPad POS App today and test drive our software in your business.

Open Free iPad POS App