Posted 13 years ago by test test

CBS News Reports: Restaurants “Cashing in” on the iPad Menu2 min read

According to a recent report (10/14) that was published by CBS News, more restaurants are “Cashing In” on the iPad menu. Eateries across the country are adding these lavish digital ordering devices to spur customer retention, increase sales and reduce overhead costs. While some are simply playing around with the idea of offering an iPad menu by testing them out, others have already placed full orders to completely outfit their business with them, as they are proving to be a proven sales model, and they tend to attract more guests with their state-of-the-art appeal and design.

According to reports from restaurants nationwide, they all share one thing in common shortly after adding the iPad menu to their offerings: sales increase by an average of 10% in the first 90 days.

At Barbacco, which is located in San Francisco, they have used the iPad menu for a wine list for more than a year now with very desirable results. The manager, Umberto Gibin, informed CBS news that sales have increased between 5-7% on wine since they added the iPad menus because people order more wine when they can read detailed descriptions and see pairing notes, etc.

The iPad menu won’t replace servers any time soon.

According to Rob Black, from The Golden Gate Restaurant Association, the waiter will have a definitive role in food service for many years to come, even with the iPad menu in place. “There will always be a role for the human component. When done well, they complement each other. I think it goes back to, what experience does that customer want?”

As more restaurants make the technological leap to the iPad menu, they are offered a wide array of choices to choose from as more companies enter the fray offering the technology. With affordable software options to choose from – including companies like Open, which offers the iPad menu software at low monthly prices instead of charging large upfront fees for the software design – even the small restaurant can consider adding iPad menus to the mix while staying reasonably within the comfort zone of their overhead budget.


Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a unique All-in-One Solution that features an iPad menu which also includes a reservation app, integrated POS with remote access and an easy-to-use online interface. Click Here to learn more.