Posted 13 years ago by test test

China Hush Blog Reports that More Restaurants are Using Digital iPad Menus – Social Media Spreads the Word2 min read

As more people start to use the high-tech digital iPad menus of the future at various restaurants, social media and micro blogging accounts are blowing up with sweepingly positive reviews of happy users’ experiences.

People get really impressed when they are presented with digital iPad menus to order food and drinks from – and pay, call a waiter or submit custom food preparation specifications – at various different restaurants around the world.

A popular blog, China Hush, reports that such is indeed the case in parts of Asia.

Heng Bao Plaza, a restaurant located in Guangzhou, wowed Mr. Meng and his girlfriend, who stopped by there to dine last week.

They never expected to be presented with lavish digital iPad menus to place their order.

Meng later blogged online about his experiencing using digital iPad menus, “I went to the new restaurant tonight, what a madness to use iPad as menu!”

The digital iPad menus feature high resolution pictures, touchscreens and even video games to entertain guests while they wait for their food.

Aside from the long line of eager customers that was wrapped around the new eatery, journalists and spectators were also in line to catch a glimpse of the sleek and attractive new digital iPad menus.

The manager of the restaurant, Wang Hong, told the press that, “iPad [digital iPad menus] helps us lower the costs, make the ordering convenient and bring fashion to the restaurant.”

The restaurant currently has 25 digital iPad menus in use for customers.

Read China Hush Blog Here

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Open offers a digital iPad menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.