Posted 13 years ago by test test

Comparing an iPad Restaurant Menu to Regular Menu of a Restaurant2 min read

order food from iPad, iPad restaurant menu, order food iPad, iPad digital menu If you were to take the rusty shell of a car from a scrap yard and then line it up next to a brand new luxury racing sports car, which do you think that most people would decide to choose as their new vehicle? There is juxtaposition between this metaphor and that of the comparison of regular and bland paper restaurant menus and the new standard: an iPad restaurant menu.

When you really think about it, it’s a very fair comparison. The rusty old car shell won’t drive. Heck, it won’t really do anything at all but just sit there and continue to rust and age some more. Whereas the fancy new sports car goes from zero to sixty MPH in fewer than four seconds, features a fancy surround sound stereo system, custom alloy rims and an onboard GPS navigation system. The same can be said when comparing a piece of laminated paper to an iPad restaurant menu—there really just isn’t any comparison whatsoever.

Restaurants Can Update an iPad Restaurant Menu at the Push of a Button

Can you press a button in the back office and your paper menus change at the click of that button? Nope. You can have a staff member spend their time changing out all of the menus to the new ones for lunch, dinner, etc. But with an iPad restaurant menu, all it takes is one simple button push to migrate your new menu to the tablets so that guests can order food from iPad at any time of the day that you are serving it.

Do Your Paper Menus Offer Streaming News, Games & Social Media?

Certainly, paper is limited to be just one thing: a piece of paper with some ink on it that allows you to review what’s on the menu. The fanciest of restaurants somehow have the simplest of menus but the highest price tags per entrée. Shouldn’t they be offering an iPad restaurant menu so guests can order food the luxurious way … by being able to order food iPad?

Cost Comparison – Paper versus the iPad Restaurant Menu

You might be wondering, “Sure an iPad restaurant menu sounds all nice and dandy, but my paper menus are cheap and they are more affordable.” But in reality, if you add up the amount of money you spend each year versus what you could be spending on an affordable monthly solution for a digital POS system that allows your guests the very finest in dining so they can order food from iPad – an iPad restaurant menu actually increases your sales revenue and pays for itself inside of the first year. As you can see, paper is old-school and obsolete in restaurants, and the time is coming near where in the future all eateries will boast a lavish iPad digital menu for their hungry patrons.