Posted 11 years ago by test test

Creative Ways to Use Digital Menus Affordably: Wine Lists3 min read

Wine bars and fine restaurants nationwide are starting to implement digital menus for use as wine lists to better serve their guests and manage their always large and constantly changing wine inventories.

Certainly, digital menus are the next “big” technological fascination for restaurants. Oddly enough, this trend didn’t begin in the highbrow five star joints that you take your significant other to when celebrating an important wedding anniversary. Rather, they began at fast food places to better expedite the tedious process of always having to update their menus, prices and specials.

Let’s keep in mind that fast food joints have revolving specials and menus that can change by the hour, season or even last minute new creations, and digital menu boards facilitate this in a manner that makes sound business sense for them to be the first entities to have starting using them.

But much has changed since Mickey-Dees added digital menu boards to their locations; an idea that miserably failed in the 90s when they decided to use projection TVs for menu boards and realized that maintaining them was so costly that they didn’t even make sense.

However, digital menus and digital menu boards make a whole ton of sense. Next along the line of the Darwinism of this evolutionary path for menus are real restaurants. Not drive through junk food conglomerates; although we all have our sinfully delicious cravings that serve as justifiable vices for eating fast food every now and again.

Getting back on track …

Now we are seeing digital menus make their way into elite gourmet eateries, cafes, steakhouses, mom and pop restaurants and even wine bars. When you think about using wine lists on digital menus, it denotes a remarkable amount of sense.

For starters, wine is a refined, nearly yuppie-influenced (yes yuppies are newish, but could you not also call nobles back in the day “yuppies”?) taste that has created nearly a trend, spurring the hatching of thousands of popular wine bars nationwide. Directly in par are fine restaurants that often boast nearly as many – or more – bottles in their cellar as do wine bars.

Can you imagine how insane it is to keep track of 10, 20 or even 30 thousand bottles of wine, all changing daily?

In enters the savior, the refined technological gadget that many wine connoisseurs already own: Android tablets or iPad tablets; only these are specially outfitted with touch screen interactive wine lists using digital menu software.

It entices guests. It makes your place become more refined, hi-tech and modern. And it allows your guests as well as your staff to better manage and sell or upsell your wine selection, even from massive inventories.

Wondering how effective digital menus are for wine lists in action?

By the way, think you can’t afford to add digital menus to your restaurant? Think again!

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a unique iPad Menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to learn more.