Posted 9 years ago by test test

Determining the Best Setup for Your POS-Managed Business2 min read

Every business setup is different, so every POS system should be set up differently. In some cases, a mobile POS may be best, while in others, a stationary POS terminal may be ideal. To find out the right POS for your business, ask yourself what your customers what, what types of transactions you’ll be performing, and which type of POS system will best meet your sales objectives.

Types of POS Systems

Point-of-sale systems all give businesses the ability to perform retail transactions on the spot. However, some offer different features and functionality.

Mobile POS systems are operated from mobile devices or smartphones. These offer several advantages over stationary POS systems. They can be carried around with staff and transactions can be performed with a simple card reader. User interfaces are often intuitive and easy to use, making it convenient for both staff and shoppers to perform transactions. A downside to mobile systems is that it’s not always easy to process cash transactions.

Desktop POS systems are similar to mobile systems, but they operate via a desktop computer. In many cases, they are touchscreen-based, allowing staff to tap through transactions quickly and easily. Unlike mobile-based systems, desktop POS software can usually be easily connected to a cash drawer, a credit card machine, a printer, and other hardware. Advantages to desktop-based POS software is that staff can quickly access other software or integrate the POS with other business-related programs.

Cash registers are the simplest form of POS systems. They usually just consist of a cash register with a card reader and printer. These systems are usually not connected to inventory, and transactions are often balanced and manually. Accounting software must be dealt with separately. For some small businesses, these are adequate. But they are quickly being phased out by technology-based systems, which offer so much more functionality, efficiency, and ease of use.

Determining the Right POS System for Your Business

A restaurant is a good example of a business that could benefit from a mobile, cloud-based POS system. Sales occur constantly and are processed on the floor, so it’s advantageous for staff and customers to have a complete payment processor at their fingertips.

Auto dealers, on the other hand, have a completely different sales cycle and transaction setup, so it’s not necessary to process transactions on the showroom floor.
When evaluating your business, ask yourself where your transactions occur, how often they occur, and what the ideal customer service scenario looks like. When you discover what benefits you want from a POS system, then you can explore options to find the right one for your business.