Posted 13 years ago by test test

Digital Handheld Menus – The Next Evolution of Restaurants2 min read

If you are not using state-of-the-art software that provides easy to update and change restaurant menu templates, then you more than likely are still relying upon paper menus.

Newer software that allows you to create restaurant menu templates in mere minutes, you can actually custom design any restaurant menu to look enticing, detailed and professional. Even better, provided that you have a few pictures of the food items – preferable in high resolution – you can further spur hunger in your guests by adding those pictures to the restaurant menu template.

Restaurant Menu Template Software Has Come a Long Way

Things are not what they used to be in the world of restaurant menu template software. Digital handheld menus for restaurants are becoming more and more commonplace as the world slowly upgrades the next medium in restaurant menus. What this means is that menu boards are now being upgraded to digital menu boards, and paper menus are being replaced with more attractive and digital handheld menus that truly inspire guests to try different foods and drinks (like wines from your list).

Digital Handheld Menus Improve Customer Service

Digital handheld menus don’t mean that the age of the server is dead … rather they usher in a new era of food service being vastly improved. For example, a server no longer has to focus upon order taking, or explaining and memorizing menu items. Rather, they can focus on taking better care of customers – who can summon them to their tableside at the push of an onscreen button on the digital handheld menu. Additionally, patrons can order drinks, specify custom cooking instructions, order their meal, and pay for it all from the digital handheld menu. The server can better expedite food, ensure drinks are filled and better focus upon guests.

Recap – Top Reasons to Implement Digital Handheld Menus

  • Improved service – increased sales
  • Easy-to-use and update restaurant menu templates
  • More amenities for customers
  • Reduced menu printing costs
  • Improved service

Learn about Open’s FREE restaurant menu templates – Click Here!