Posted 13 years ago by test test

Digital Menu Boards – Apito iPad Menus Will Get You There with Free Menu Design2 min read

Does your restaurant offer digital menu boards or iPad menus? Did you know that this is the fastest sweeping trend in the food industry? Imagine what your guests would think if they were to be seated and you had a digital menu board featuring an iPad menu? (Like the one featured above.)

It’s been a very productive past few months over here at Open, and as opposed to keeping you apprised on the daily news in the industry and how popular digital menu boards and iPad menus are becoming a worldwide restaurant staple, we felt it necessary to update you on some of our progress at Open, Inc.

The response to Open digital menu network has been amazing. Every day our caring team is trying their best to make your experience using our site as amazing and simple as is possible. We realize that when you want to add digital menu boards or iPad menus to your establishment that the entire process can seem rather arduous; even though it pays off in spades after you have everything up and running.

To better simplify your crossover, we have decided to really spice things up – and truly make the deal that much sugary by sweetening the already sultry pot. Now, if you want your menu custom designed, and for FREE to boot, simply email us a scanned and legible, high resolution version of your existing menu or menus.

A caring staff member will diligently craft an entirely customized digital menu board or iPad menu on your behalf. A few business days later, we will update you that your menu is ready for viewing in our online network. Then, all you have to do is log into your account and upload the tasty pictures of your delicious eats.

Then you are all good to go!

Again, this service is entirely free, and it’s just our way of saying “Thank you” for you using Apito digital menu boards and our iPad menu software. The only thing you will need to do is setup a FREE account and start using our FREE digital menu software.

The menus work on iPad.

Simply email your scanned menu to: and we will get the ball rolling on your custom menu design.

If you need to get iPad digital menus for your restaurant, check out our convenient financing options through Direct Capital – you’ll quickly find that digital menu boards and iPad menus are so affordable that you will ask yourself, “How can I not afford to have the future in MY hands?”