Posted 13 years ago by test test

Digital Restaurant Menus Using iPads Gaining Popularity, Reports NDTV Profit2 min read

The positive effect that digital restaurant menus are having upon patrons is so discernable that major news agencies, such NDTV Profit – a technology news source online – are even lauding them as the next great advent in restaurant technology.

Can the future of the restaurant menu cards be changing? According to an online technology news source, indeed it is. In a recent article published by NDTV Profit –which tracks and reports on technology – such is the case.

The new variant that will replace outdated paper or laminated or even leather bound menu cards at your favorite eat-out joints are digital restaurant menus, most often found in the form of iPad digital menus.

The article, entitled, “An iPad for a menu card! Restaurants usher in new technology,” discusses the positive effects that these newfangled digital restaurant menus have to offer to their guests.

In an interview with NDTV, Rahul Joshi, food and beverage manager at Intercontinental said, “Most customers who come to us are tech freaks. They love playing with the iPad, they love the images coming in, so it’s visual and more appealing to the customers.”

Every day news reports are surfacing that laud the benefits of using these digital restaurant menus in place of paper menus. From increasing sales and boosting customer retention, loyalty and awareness, to improving server efficiency and even allowing customers to pay at the table using their credit card.

The future looks pretty bright for restaurant digital menus.

Shivani Desai, a writer for NDTV, sums it up nicely in her report.

She writes, “The latest tech slice from Apple for restaurant and spa menus is surely catching the fancy of customers and it means more sales for Apple too. But we’ll have to wait and watch if this unique avatar of menu card translates into more business for these neighbourhood joints.”

Read Full News Report Here

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers an iPad restaurant menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.