Posted 12 years ago by test test

Easing Your Restaurant’s Operations with iPad POS2 min read

Plausible, practical solutions are the nomenclature of innovation. At Open, our goal is to maximize your revenue stream by offering state-of-the-art solutions that ease the operations of your entity, reduce overhead cost and increase your return on investment. With our premier iPad POS software solution, you can make the most of every business dollar. Our software can assist with an array of restaurant functions ranging from a more efficient and self-managing inventory, all the way to staff efficiency and providing the ultimate, interactive end user experience.

Superfluous Communication Process

The communication process from customer to wait staff to kitchen to bartender is a critical component of your restaurant’s operation, and ultimately your success in retaining patrons. Our software is designed to maximize this experience.

  • Customer is handed digital menu upon being seated.
  • Customer places order for drink and food items.
  • Server is alerted of order and confirms order.
  • Server fires drinks off to bar and food off to kitchen.
  • Kitchen and bar alert server when food is ready to be expedited to tables.
  • Gaps in communication are consistently reduced.
  • Customers are treated to an unwaveringly consistent dining and food service experience.

Visual Reinforcement

According to numerous studies, pictures of menu items sell more food. Imagine your menus items brilliantly displayed in high definition on classy digital menus. The average restaurant that implements a visual, digital solution such as this enjoys increased sales from 10% to 30% inside of the first six months. It’s this visual reinforcement that continuously captures sales time and time again for your venue.

More Efficient Restaurant Operations

From the managerial stance, iPad POS by Open can be your best friend. The inventory auto-manages and sets helpful reminders when it’s time to restock. The iPad touch displays are very easy to use, and staff members can be trained effortlessly. The visualization aspect of the interface makes it easier to manage your restaurant, know what your numbers are, and more easily meet your bottom line each and every business day. Isn’t time you upgraded to a digital, visual solution?

Open’s state-of-the-art and industry leading iPad POS software enables you to fully digitize your restaurant. Learn more about iPad POS by Open.