Posted 12 years ago by test test

Five Things to Not Only Expect, But to Demand from YOUR Digital Menu Software Provider3 min read

Are you considering the possibility of adding digital menu software to your restaurant’s offerings? Doing so can be a wise and cost effective method of increasing customer service, improving server efficiency, attracting new guests and spreading viral word-of-mouth. However, before you sign of the dotted line with just any provider, there are some key things to look for that can greatly ensure that the profundity of your solution is not only viable, but affordable, realistic, and feasible. What follows are the top five things to not only expect, but to demand with the provider that you elect to use for your digital menu solution.

Easy to Use & Implement

The software should be intuitively designed to cater to the end user; which are most people. Training should be simple, and everything on the interface should basically do what it says. Additionally, the backend interface should be as easy-to-use as your favorite word processing software application; you should be able to point, click, upload pictures, assign prices and add descriptions, and publish and save.

Cost Effective Solutions

What good is any software solution if nobody can ever hope to afford it? Not very good at all. A good software provider will ensure that not only is their software feature laden, but realistically affordable and viable as well. There should be different options to choose from and features, all at different price ranges—so that the solution is available for most businesses, and not just a select few.

No Contracts or Hidden Fees

When you opt for digital menu software, you should not feel like you are signing a cellular phone contract for two years. Or even one year. Try: month-to-month service at your discretion. There should be no hidden clauses or fine print that takes away from the cushy big print. Just as you need it; pay as you go. And you should be able to cancel service at any time that you desire, period.

Hardware Should NOT Be Proprietary

This is a common practice in the digital menu software arena of the present day that is simply obfuscating. A lot of providers make it so that you have to buy their hardware at a marked up price off retail to use their software. But that is not freedom at all. The best digital menu software provider will ensure that you can use your choice of tablets that you buy from them or from elsewhere to host the software, and it should be widely compatible and easy to install and to use.

Should Have Available POS Option

Sure, a digital menu is nice to offer your guests and to have in your restaurant. However, if there is not an option to add POS (point-of-sale), then your menu will never be able to offer one more very desirable feature: payment at table. Additionally, this feature should not be mandatory, but should be an option. A good digital menu software provider will offer multiple solutions, so that you have real choices that you can use to facilitate your means to an end, as well as while not underpinning your budget in the process of doing so.

Learn more about a Digital Menu from Open. Find out how affordable they can be to implement and learn more about our wide ranging options of different solutions that can be implemented into your restaurant today to aid you in reaching more guests and upping the bar of service tomorrow.