Posted 12 years ago by test test

Forthcoming iPad Mini Set to Become Mainstay “Tweener” of Tablets2 min read

Forthcoming iPad Mini Set to Become Mainstay “Tweener” of Tablets With smaller tablets – now dubbed by the popular culture superlative as “tweener” – selling like hotcakes (Amazon Kindle Fire HD), Apple is getting ready to cash in on the next generation of tablet wars; something that could aptly be called the “Tweener Wars.” With Apple’s pending push of its soon to be released iPad Mini, analysts are predicting that it could help propel these miniature tablets into the mainstream. However, this could also really be Apple’s way of “catching up,” as the Kindle and the Galaxy and other mini tablet devices are already raking in strong sales.

Steve Jobs (may he forever rest in peace), had loathed the idea of what he called the “tweener tablet,” woefully lamenting over the limited screen size and processor capability of the tablet a few years back. Perhaps that is why Apple held off on the launch of the tweeners in lieu of a record setting sales margins for their always popular iPad tablet. Since 2010, when the iPad was first launched, it’s sold more than 84-million tablets. During the second quarter of 2012, the iPad accounted for nearly 68% of all tablet sales worldwide, according market research firm IDC.

Considering that iPad sets the standard with a 10” display and a $500 starting price, what could the future bode for the smaller tablets?

According to leading communications experts, there’s ample room within the market to breach the gap between smartphones and tablets with tweener tablets. The high cost of the iPad does make it a bit out of reach for many consumers with more restricted budgets. The large size of the tablet also makes it inconvenient to transport (try putting one in your pocket). It’s also been the stymie of some critic reviews for being uncomfortable to hold for hours when reading, web browsing or watching videos.

So could the iPad Mini be the next big thing for mini tablets? Telling of this is the Amazon Kindle Fire HD, a tablet with a 7” screen, a $199 price tag and a smaller interface overall. Analysts actually classify these smaller tablets as media devices, ideal for reading, movie watching, web browsing and other media functions like social media, but less adept for more affluent tasks like photo editing or word processing.

While some pundits claim that other tweener tablets have failed, the Fire is telling that if the price is right, consumers will jump for joy. For example, the Fire tablet by Amazon has already sold 4.7-million units worldwide. And, smaller tablets actually accounted for 23% of all tablet sales during the fourth quarter of last year (2011).

Apple is expected to announce the release of the iPad Mini sometime in the near future. Can you imagine how compact a digital menu and iPad POS system could become with a miniature iPad tablet? Open’s software will be fully compatible with the iPad Mini, and your iPad POS machine could just get a bit smaller in the few months that lie ahead.