Posted 12 years ago by test test

Four Reasons Why Your Customers Will Love iPad POS2 min read

The iPad POS all-in-one digital menu solution doesn’t just supercharge your restaurant’s ability to generate profits; it greatly enhances the experience for the customers, too. Amongst a plethora of desirable features and staples that iPad POS has to offer, there are many cadres it presents for your valued guests as well. Learn about four primary features your guests will adore when you feature iPad POS by Open in your restaurant.

Open Communicator Improves Service

A POS communicator by Open can drastically improve your service and overall experience. So you have a digital menu at your table, but how helpful will that be unless you can easily connect with your server? To better enhance the experience and ensure that the server experience is not detracted from at all, the Open Communicator comes into the picture.

  • Whenever you place an order, it pings the server’s smartphone
  • When you request service from your digital menu, it notifies the server
  • Server is notified when your food or drinks are ready for expediting

Payment at Table is a Huge Convenience

With iPad POS in place by Open, now you can enjoy the convenience of tendering payment directly from your digital menu tablet. You can use debit or credit cards to pay your bill. Or you can simply request a bill and use cash. It’s your choice; the power is in your hands.

Saving Payment Details for Future Visits

Love a restaurant that you frequent often? With iPad POS, you can utilize the option of saving payment preferences and details securely. Your financial information is kept confidential and secure. The next time you stop in to your favorite restaurant, login to the system using your password and username for easy one-button payments.

Tip Calculator Makes Gratuity Easy

Wondering what you should be tipping? Stop wondering. The included tip calculator will tally up a perfect gratuity based upon the percentage levels you elect. Now you can easily add the desired tip to your bill by pressing a single button.

Interested in learning more about how you could be offering a POS solution that better enhances the experience for your patrons? Find how you could affordably implement iPad POS by Open today.