Posted 13 years ago by test test

Fox News Reports on Impact of iPad Digital Menus at Restaurants3 min read


More restaurants across the nation are starting to implement iPad digital menus and reap the many rewards of offering their customers a high-tech method of ordering and a unique and interactive dining experience.

If you decide to catch dinner in the Windy City, and you really want to add the spice of a high-tech flavor to your meal, then make sure that you drop on in at Chicago Cut steakhouse, where you can browse an extensive wine list using their new iPad digital menus. This high class restaurant – which is located on the prestigious north bank of the Chicago River – has recently invested in 40 iPad digital menus so that they can wow their guests by offering them the latest and greatest in technology and the ultimate in uber luxurious dining.

Keith and Peg Bragg, who recently dined here, apprised Fox News of their wine browsing experience. “You can very quickly look through to see the price per bottle. You can read the wine tasting note, [and] how long it has been aged,” said Keith of the restaurants interactive iPad digital menu wine lists.

Since these iPad digital menus first became popular, 100s of restaurants are now implementing them, according to Fox News. These are inclusive of wine bars, steakhouses, hamburger joints and even popular café chains like Au Bon Pain.

David Flom, a managing partner for Chicago Cut, told Fox news that while the iPad digital menus were a large investment initially, they are already showing very healthy returns that easily make them well worth the investment.

“I’ve already seen an increase of wine per customer of 20 percent,” Flom told Fox News. “I can’t say that the iPad commanded 100 percent, but I can say it commanded a significant portion of that.”

A popular chain of cafes, Au Bon Pain, has implemented iPad digital menus at 6 of its 220 locations in an early testing phase to determine their efficiency. Usually guests write down their meal order on a piece of paper, but according to the vice president, Ed Frechette, iPad digital menus have greatly simplified the ordering process.

“One of our employees has an iPad with a menu loaded in it and they’ll take your order,” Frechette told Fox News. “You still see a menu board with all the information on it. We have handheld laminated menus for a reference, but all the paper pads are gone.”

4Food, a popular hamburger joint in New York, features iPad digital menus in enclosures, or kiosk, where customers can design the perfect burger using an interactive digital menu. The managing partner, Adam Kidron, insists that ordering food via a digital menu will become the standard in the near future.

“You’ve just got to imagine that this is something that won’t just be considered to be a discretionary behavior,” Kidron told Fox News. “It will be a necessary behavior.”

OTG Management has recently installed more than 200 iPad digital menus in places like New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. Guests can order and pay via the menus, and a server brings them their food.

“I think eventually a significant number of restaurants will just use iPads for their menus,” OTG chief executive officer, Rick Blatstein, told Fox News. “We’re starting out using hundreds of them and I expect it to be thousands in the future.”

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