Posted 13 years ago by test test

Futuristic iPhone Restaurant Menus: How They Enlighten Dining Experience2 min read

If you think that the future has already yielded some surprisingly delicious technological delights, then wait until you get your mind wrapped around the newest flavor: iPhone restaurant menus.

It seems that there is not much that technology can’t do these days. Even our cars have become the gadget filled hybrids that we once envisioned many years ago – where voice commanded systems guide us turn-by-turn to our destinations, and where live support can aid us in finding gas, a place to eat, or even provide emergency services at the push of a button.

In par with this technological revolution are smart phones. Now there are phones that feature built-in music players, and millions of applications that are so nifty it’s hard not to want to use them. Things like price comparison engines, where you scan a bar code that you find on a product at any store, and your smart phone will tell you what stores have the lowest prices, and where you can find a location near you. And now, ordering your food is about to get a whole lot easier thanks to newer iPhone restaurant menus applications.

Think of iPhone restaurant menus much as you would any other smart phone application. Restaurants that are truly trying to beef up service, amenities and offerings are now catering to the technological nimble “21st century digital-agers” by implementing iPhone restaurant menus that allow for bistro-goers to browse through menu items, look at high resolution pictures, and yes, even place an order directly from their iPhone.

Imagine this if you will. You just got into New York City on vacation and you are super hungry; famished. Not knowing what’s close to you, you whip out your iPhone. You load your iPhone restaurant menus application and it starts scanning your GPS location. A moment or two later, it apprises you of several restaurants that are located nearby.

Intrigued, you want to know what food offerings these places feature, and more importantly, what their prices are and the menu selection. In an instant, a full menu is on your phone, where you can simply slide your fingers on the touch screen and browse menu items, peruse the wine list and even place an order.

Even better, you are given exact directions to the restaurant, and upon arrival, a table is already reserved and waiting for you. But when the waiter approaches your table, it won’t be to ask you what you are hungry for, but to bring you the food you just ordered – and paid for – on your iPhone restaurant menus application.

Tipping is easy, too. The tip calculator allows you to just press the desired tip percentage, and you are emailed a detailed receipt after tendering payment. Too bad iPhone restaurant menus can’t do our yard work for us as well; otherwise the entire world would be using them.