Posted 13 years ago by test test

Hospitals Now Featuring Digital Menu Boards With Focus on Nutrition2 min read

Much is changing with regard to the old paper menus that you thought were the norm. Now even hospitals are adding their own digital menus – found in digital menu boards – in an effort to better inform staff and patients about the nutritional facts of their food.

The next time you are at the hospital – hopefully under good circumstances, or as good as they can be – make sure to pop into the cafeteria if you have some extra time to burn off. The one thing that you might notice is that the cafeteria now features digital menu boards. Much like you have seen at some fast food joints, and perhaps a few other places, digital menu boards are part of the digital menu revolution, and they now have set their sights on the medical care industry across the United States.

According to Dan Hendroid, Director of Nutrition and Food Services at UCSF Medical Center, a digital menu “allows us to cycle parts of the menu as needed…some parts of our menu cycle every 28 days, and others 14 or seven days. The technology lets us handle all the cycles on the same menu board at the same time. The system is a time-saver, and flexible in that it lets us change menus or prices as needed.”

Not only do the digital menus serve to better inform guests of food selections, ingredients (for guests who have food allergens) and nutritional facts, but they help the hospitals better manage their always revolving food items, too. With menu items changing constantly at large hospitals that feature hundreds of rooms, thousands of patients and plenty of doctors and staff, you can only imagine the breather that the head chef will be enjoying when they get digital menu boards into their hospital finally.

This is just a great example of how the digital menus of today are slowly but surely shaping the future that awaits around the corner tomorrow. Chances are good that will soon seen these digital menu boards in most hospitals, and their iPad tablet digital menu equivalents in a restaurant near you in the not so distant future.

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a digital menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.