Posted 9 years ago by test test

How POS Storage Enables Prime Utilization of and Protects Confidential Customer Data2 min read

POS systems aren’t just a convenient way to process transactions, they are also secure and help you protect your customers’ confidential data.

Storing Confidential Customer Data: Old vs. New

Customer credit card information is most vulnerable when it is accessible to other people. When credit card data or other personal information is stored on paper, it is vulnerable to snooping and theft.

Likewise, when customer data is stored on hard drives or physical locations, it is also vulnerable. Data stored in one place can be removed or copied. So even if that data has been encrypted and stored on a hard drive, it can be removed and decrypted.

Software that requires manual updates is also vulnerable, since outdated versions can leave security holes. These holes can be exploited by hackers or other cyber criminals, increasing the likelihood of a data breach. To avoid this, many businesses are wisely turning to cloud-based software.

Cloud-based software offers a number of security advantages over old-fashioned transaction methods and older POS systems. Customer data remains encrypted and is securely processed. This information passes securely from the point of sale to the cloud, where it is stored safely. The entire time, data remains concealed from would-be attackers.

Additionally, cloud-based technology doesn’t require manual updates. These programs are updated constantly by the software providers, ensuring that all businesses have the most current versions of software. These days, with fraud and cybercrime being so prevalent, these updates are necessary to keep both businesses and their customers secure. Security holes are patched immediately and updates are sent out to clients immediately, so there is very little lag between security patches and adoption.

Keeping Your Customers Safe Is Good Business

With cloud-based, encrypted storage, your customers are safer from fraud identity theft. This security is good for business, since one breach can send an entire company down the drain. When shopping for POS software and credit card transaction systems for your business, security should be a top concern.

You should always look for cloud-based POS software that encrypts customer data from transaction to storage. Also, find solutions that update themselves automatically, so your business always stays on the cutting edge of security. When you put customer security first and foremost, you can keep both your customers and your business safe from profit-killing data breaches.