Posted 11 years ago by test test

How the iPad Menu App Revolutionizes the Dining Experience for the Customer2 min read

free ipad menu app by Open, Inc. How do you order food, pay and receive service? Is it a different experience every time? Do you sometimes find a restaurant on Google Places, or book a table on Open Table or other type of online restaurant reservation service? Perhaps you use a variety of different apps to find a restaurant. Maybe you even use Yelp. But is this really all that convenient for you, the hungry patron? Wouldn’t it be easier if there was an all-in-one app that took the hassle out of procuring a first-rate dining experience? Well finally, there is! Introducing the iPad menu app by Open, the future of dining, in your hands today.

Open Asks:

  • What if you could open your mobile phone, activate your Open app and easily find restaurants that had the food that you were hungry for?
  • What if you could easily place an order for delivery to your office or home, carryout or even book a reservation with one click?
  • What if the app featured vivid, detailed menus with high-resolution imagery of menu items, replete with descriptions, prices and so much more?
  • What if, upon being seated at that restaurant you booked a reservation for from your mobile phone – and with just one simple click – you were handed a gorgeous and slim, feature-loaded iPad menu instead of a static, boring and unresponsive paper menu?
  • What if the dining experience was changed forever, and we mean forever – and you could now summons a waiter by merely  pressing a button on the screen, tender payment securely via iPad POS, request drinks, send custom cooking specifications and so much more?
  • What if you could share your dining experience with your friends on Facebook or Twitter by pressing a button?
  • What if this was not a “what if” and were actually a reality?

Guess what? No more What ifs! With Open’s iPad menu app, the future of dining has arrived!

See Open’s iPad Menu Software in Action


Ready to Learn More?

Curious about the iPad menu app by Open and how it could up the dining experience for your customers? Perhaps you are an intrigued diner who read this post and are wondering how this app could serve to heighten and augment your next dining experience. If you have an iPad, take a few moments to see how the revolutionary digital menu software by Open could make your next dining experience effortless, interactive, robust and streamlined. Download our free iPad menu app today, and see what our software can do for yourself.