Posted 9 years ago by Eduardo Mora

Implement Self-Ordering to Improve Your Customer’s Overall Experience3 min read

When it comes to make or break details of your company’s success, if you are not able to produce satisfied customers, you have nothing. Nurturing your customers by providing superior products, with an all-positive turnkey service is essential in maintaining your existing business, as well as in creating any worthwhile growth potential. With more focus than at any other previous time on improving customer relations by so many businesses, the level of control you give your customers to customize their overall experience – along with the care you show them – has never been more critical.

Beware the Unhappy Customer Experience

Travelling at light speed, all it takes is one unhappy customer to flood the Internet’s social media haunts with scathing reports that may not take you completely under, but they’ll guarantee a certain level of lost revenue to your operations. The importance of generating satisfied customer experiences is behind much advanced technology that is quickly becoming the standard for meeting baseline consumer expectations. Knowing what these are and being sure to offer them to your clientele is your best opportunity to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to keep their business. In today’s market, it’s truly the establishments that stay fixed on a quest to deliver their products – with matching service – on such a pleasing level that consumers automatically want to come back for more, and even bring their friends.

Enhanced Service Equals Returning Business

By offering your customers the ability of self-ordering, you are able to engage with them on a more attentive level. This contrasts the immediate response that POS technology might have produced initially, in appearing to be a replacement for human service. Once the customer discovers just how the self-service concept actually improves the service they receive, they more readily engage in using the service while developing a greater sense of satisfaction from their overall experience from your establishment. In a recent national survey, an impressive 60% of consumers shared their willingness to pay more in order to ensure a better experience. The same 60% will be present in your establishment at any given time – presenting you with the opportunity to give them the performance of a lifetime – and make them fall in love with your company.

More Fun Means More Spent

Research points to how businesses offering self-ordering automatically realize an increase in the average amount purchased. Apparently, people enjoy interacting more with these devices than they even realize – as evidenced in how they’re inspired to spend more. These increases apply to businesses in a variety of merchant industries, as well, across the board. It’s been observed that consumers tend to behave differently when engaging with a machine, rather than a human for the ordering process. They report feeling less pressured and more relaxed as a result. The beauty of this technology is in how it can be preprogrammed to both upsell and cross-sell products, and unlike with manually provided articulation, there is no incidence of error or omission. The self service POS guarantees that the customer is apprised of every possible add-on, special and enticement to purchase, without fail. There is a very tangible element to self-ordering that allows for a greater degree of uninhibited selection, for many reasons. This includes the absence of feeling judged by another human.