Posted 12 years ago by test test

In a World of POS “I Don’ts” Open’s iPad POS Does2 min read

The point-of-sale systems (POS) of the present day have hurdled leaps and bounds from their predecessors. Certainly, they are more capable; they are slimmer; they offer more functionality; and they can do more things. However, in par with the evolutionary pattern of technology does come to fruition the next revelation in POS: iPad POS by Open, Inc. Forget everything that you thought that your point-of-sale system did. Because those are now in the past, as are the outrageous operational costs of these now antiquated systems. With Open’s iPad POS system, we invite you to bear witness to the new world of user-friendly POS that DOES.

Old POS Cons:

With the older POS systems there are some caveats that have been remedied with the advent of newer technologies and more capable operating systems. What follows are a few of the undesirable attributes of the now outdated POS systems of yesteryear.

  • Took up a lot of space
  • Training time took a lot of time
  • Did not integrate with or offer digital menu software
  • Required multiple sales licenses and multiple sales points
  • Required significant initial investment
  • Known bugs and glitches deterred functionality
  • No remote access
  • No smart inventory tracking
  • Return on investment took serious time
  • Setup and installation was complicated
  • Average system ranged in cost from $1,000-$3,500
  • Required bulky keyboard
  • Limited integration options

In a World of POS “I Don’ts” Open’s iPad POS Does The Pros of iPad POS by Open

Open is rolling the red carpet out on iPad POS with serious intuitivism. We took a long look at the POS systems that used to be state-of-the-art. We dissected them. We tore apart their features. We made everything slimmer, more compact and sleek. We ensured that usability was a primary cadre. And we also made certain to make them technologically refined, capable, and most importantly: affordable.

  • Training is effortless with our Visual iPad POS
  • Takes up nearly half as much space as conventional POS systems
  • Includes ability for multiple sales points without need for multiple use licenses
  • Smart inventory tracks and manages items so you don’t have to
  • Comes with a desirable suite of amazing smartphone apps
  • Includes our revolutionary digital menu software
  • Features easy one-button reporting
  • Costs 80% less than conventional POS
  • No contracts and no hidden fees
  • Included updates on all software
  • Exportable data for easy integration
  • Remote access (cloud-based)
  • Unbeatable low monthly rates
  • Profitable in the first 90 days (we guarantee it)

Curious about how you can get started with Open’s All-in-One iPad POS system with included digital menu software, remote access and a suite of uncanny smartphone apps for a low monthly rate with an ironclad 90 day buyback guarantee? Learn more about iPad POS by Open.