Posted 10 years ago by test test

Innovative Ways to Use Your Restaurant POS2 min read

When you choose the right point-of-sale system, it becomes much more than just a simple cash register. New technology like the iPad POS provides an array of features that can help restaurants improve their marketing, improve their business operations and improve their sales.

Having the right technology is only the first step. You also need to know how to use that technology to get the results you want. Here are a few innovative ways that you can use your restaurant POS to help you meet your goals:

Create a Digital Menu

A simple paper menu is pretty standard. If you want to really stand out, you’ll create a digital menu for your customers. You’ll need to create an app for the menu, which can be interactive to display nutritional information or provide an ingredients list. Customers can create meals to suit their tastes by substituting sides or taking out certain ingredients.

If you have the infrastructure to support it, you can also design your menu so that customers can order their food right from the app, as well. Customers could order their food ahead of time or do it right from their tables. Providing this option will cut wait times and improve sales.

Send Coupons

With an iPad POS, you also have the option to track customer sales and to create marketing materials. For example, if you know that your customer always orders dinner for two, you can send a coupon that provides half off the second meal. Other possibilities include sending coupons for a free appetizer or dessert or giving a discount off the total purchase. If you have the information, you can even send special discounts or freebies when a customer is celebrating a birthday or an anniversary.

Manage Your Inventory

The right point-of-sale system can also help you manage your inventory. You can monitor how much you are selling so you know what quantities of ingredients and other supplies to keep on hand. Some systems will even allow you to set up automatic ordering when inventory levels fall below a certain quantity.

Don’t settle for a simple system for payment processing. Explore all the possibilities so that you use all the features available to help you grow your restaurant. You will expand your customer base and increase your sales, helping to protect your long-term success.