Posted 13 years ago by test test

Interactive Restaurant Menus: Is Digital the Cost Effective Answer?2 min read

Recent studies by analysts and news findings purport that customers desire digital interactive restaurant menus. They serve to bolster sales and boost retention rates.

In the day and age where you can read a book from a palm reader, send emails from your smart phone handset and even book reservations to a restaurant, hotel – or where ever from it – it seems that the only technology still missing from the palm of your hands is at your favorite restaurants. When you are seated, you are greeted and shown to your table, and they usually use a digital interface to track available tables (not at all places). The server will take your order and enter it into a digital POS system with custom software, and depending upon where you eat, there are generally flat screen and high tech TVs that display the latest news or sports tidbits. Some places are so posh that there are even mini TV screens mounted in the restrooms so you don’t miss a beat while you take a much needed trip for relief. This is all nice and dandy, but something is missing: digital interactive restaurant menus.

Why Get Interactive Restaurant Menus?

The primary answer to this is to upgrade your eatery to the 21st century, attract more guests to your establishment and wow them, improve customer service, boost sales and revenues and better manage inventory and food expediting. As you can see, digital interactive restaurant menus allow you to easily do this. Thanks to newer and emerging digital menu software, it’s also been made so easy to use that nearly anyone can effortlessly create their own custom menus.

Cost of Digital Interactive Restaurant Menus

Compare how much you spend on printing paper menus to the one time cost of digital interactive restaurant menus tablets. They generally will pay for themselves in one to three years. Even better, you can finance them and insure them for low monthly rates.

Why Interactive Restaurant Menus Retain Customers

Customers like things to be interactive. People like to see pictures of the food they are about to order. Consumers also like fancy gadgets, and with touch screen and modern digital interactive restaurant menus, you give them a taste of not only good food, but the very latest in technology as well.

Improved Service with Digital Interactive Restaurant Menus

Service is vastly improved because servers don’t have to take orders and explain menu items any longer. The servers also don’t have to enter every order into the POS system, saving even more time. Rather, they can focus on refilling glasses and expediting food. This means you can host more guests, sell more tables and more food without a reduction in customer service, thanks to digital interactive restaurant menus.