Posted 13 years ago by test test

Inventory Management & Tracking … Does Your iPad POS System Do This?3 min read

Sure, there’s been a whole heck of a lot of talk about iPad POS, and the various systems that you can run out and buy today. Of course, one need be mindful of their budgets when considering any sort of vast change to the existing structure of a restaurant. Overhead budgets and return on investment are two key business goals; and if you deprecate the amount of funds coming in versus your return on investment, well you could very well end up bust.

Rather than bow to the solecism of the of the current market trends – which dictate that one must shell out thousands of dollars on a traditional and outdated POS system, even if it is a newer and technology profound iPad POS system – rather, we encourage you to rethink technology.

That’s the poignant statement of the day over here at Open. We hearten you to fully explore your options with this incredible technology, and also to realize that spending thousands of dollars in fees of any kind for such a solution is what we like to call you being grossly overcharged. (Our solution is so well priced that even smaller restaurants, cafes, and even burger joints can easily afford to implement their very own unique solution with an iPad Menu to boot.)

The mollycoddling aside, let’s dig into the benefits of an iPad POS with included inventory tracking and management. Oh yeah, and one thing you won’t really find anywhere else: secure and cloud-based remote access to your entire POS system.

Imagine THIS … Your iPad POS systems also include an employee time card system, so that you can expeditiously log their hours. They simply type in their username and password to clock into work. Then they clock out. One button generates payroll, keeps tabs on all of your numbers and sends the order to the bank to print employee checks. No more costly payroll services. It also integrates with most major accounting software, so your end of the year numbers requires that you push one button for your businesses taxes to be all done.

Then imagine THIS … Say you take a vacation and you want to check up on your restaurant. You want to see the incoming reservations, daily yield charts, profits and loss, who worked that day, what items were sold and your net profits, etc. All you do is access your POS iPad system using our remote access via secure cloud-based servers, and you are in.

Now Consider THIS … with our iPad POS inventory tracking and management feature, you are alerted when items in stock are running low. It also will automatically tell you what to order and even add it to the shopping cart for you (if your merchant offers online ordering). It will even print order sheets for future orders. And, it will tell you what items are making or losing money, and how much and when.

Add it all UP … and you get an iPad menu that you can update whenever you want, fully featured POS system, reservation app and so much more.

Ready to LEARN MORE? … Then Click Here.