Posted 12 years ago by test test

Just How Convenient is a Reservation App to Both Patron and Business?2 min read

Just How Convenient is a Reservation App to Both Patron and BusinessIt’s a stop-and-go, topsy-turvy world in which we dwell. Technology is seemingly moving faster than the speed of sound with regards to emerging innovations, and it does not have that much more distance to cover before it surpasses the speed of light. Paramount to that notion is the devices that such newer technologies afford, which rapidly become obsolete as even newer technologies replace them. The primary staple of technology is to make life more convenient. Over here at Open, we believe that a reservation app that can be used from any smartphone, tablet or home computer can make things a heck of a lot easier for restaurants that are trying to fill empty tables and further appeal to their guests by offering a key amenity.

Reservation App for Patrons

  • Look up a restaurant from your smartphone and book a reservation instantly in real-time.
  • Receive confirmation of your table and time for the reservation right away.
  • No more calling in for reservations and waiting on hold.
  • A few clicks and you know you have a table for that special occasion.
  • Easy to use, simple, convenient and free.

The Impact it Can Have for Businesses

  • Fill more empty tables by offering a desirable amenity.
  • Real-time reservations instantly populate your iPad POS system by Open.
  • System is configured to not overbook tables, and will inform guests if they need to make a reservation at a later date or time.
  • Access your POS system from anywhere that you have the internet to check on your reservations.
  • Offer your guests something more than the place next door, and increase sales, word-of-mouth, customer loyalty and retention.

Open’s unique and signature reservation app is part of our industry leading, all-in-one solution. When synched to digital menu and iPad POS, the reservations literally are integrated with our smartphone apps and tie in directly to our POS system. Reservations that are placed by patrons are instantly updated in the system, and book tables according to how many are available, while updating staff and management regarding the reservation that has been placed for total control and management of your food service entity.

With our unique remote access feature, owners can log into their iPad POS system from anywhere that they have an internet-enabled device to check on tables reserved, daily numbers, what staff members are scheduled for shifts that day and so much more.

Learn more about a Reservation App by Open.