Posted 10 years ago by test test

Lead Generation Tools for Your Restaurant2 min read

Ongoing marketing can help you grow your brand awareness and attract new customers. However, lead generation can help you nurture long-term relationships with customers, which can encourage repeat sales year after year. You must develop a strong lead generation strategy alongside your ongoing marketing strategy if you want your restaurant to be successful.

Identifying the right tools can help you make your lead generation strategy a success. Here are a few top tools to consider:

iPad POS System

An iPad POS system doesn’t just offer you a way to process payments. It also helps you to capture more leads for ongoing marketing. When you make a sale, you can capture the customer’s e-mail address or other contact information. You can also keep track of what the customer buys, then you can send e-mails based on past preferences. You can set up an auto responder campaign that e-mails the customer based on certain intervals or for special occasions, such as birthdays or anniversaries.


Creating an app for your restaurant can help you to provide additional value for your customers, as well as capture more leads. For example, you may create an app for a digital menu that your customers can use to browse your selection or to actually place their order. When they download the app, you can get their e-mail address, and you can use the preferences they display in the app to tailor your marketing messages.

Mailing List

You should have an opt-in e-mail list on both your website and your social media accounts. Customers who are looking up information about your restaurant or your menu can take a few seconds to fill in their e-mail information to get on the list. You can entice them to do so by offering them exclusive discounts and other offers for being on the list. Make the opt-in form easy to use, and include several calls to action on your site to promote the greatest number of sign-ups.

Lead generation is an important part of your overall marketing campaign. When you generate leads, you are getting the information you need to establish long-term contact with your customers, helping you to encourage repeat sales year after year. Use these tools to help you get many leads quickly and to grow your restaurant. With the right marketing campaign, you’ll start seeing solid bookings every night for your restaurant.