Posted 13 years ago by test test

Menu Engineering Expert, Aaron Allen, Releases 2011 Menu Design Specs2 min read

Industry leader and expert menu engineer, Aaron Allen, who has worked with some of the largest restaurant chains in the world, has released his anticipated list of the “Top 50 Menu Engineering and Design Tips.”

The list is designed to specifically cover both the artistic and scientific side of menu design, as it relates to both static paper menus and digital menus, as well as the ingredients of the particular menu items in question.

In a May press release on, Allen advised that, “The tectonic plates of the restaurant industry are shifting at a faster rate than they have in decades. New emerging technologies, globalization, evolving consumer dining behavior, emerging markets and industry segments, food shortages, transformations in psychographics and the rise of Millennial’s – these things are all among the forces that are ushering the industry down the path of its future and are certainly impacting approaches to culinary development as well as menu engineering and design.”

Many restaurants worldwide are creating new menus and new corresponding menu items to meet the rising demands and costs for foods during the present day and age. Some are taking it a step further by implementing beautiful digital menus that can be customize designed and updated at-will via free digital menu software.

Allen addressed this in the same press release, stating that, “We felt this was the best timing to release such a list. Restaurants operate on razor thin margins with an industry average of just 5% profit. Procurement executives are expecting 25% and higher spikes in costs and consumers are expecting to pay 8% more in restaurants. The industry is projected to grow by 6% this year, but with menu prices expected to grow by 8% we’re not seeing real growth; it’s growth from price hikes, not volume. Just a few months with an ill-conceived menu strategy can cost a restaurant its life. The operating environment is chaotic and we wanted to do our part to help operators focus on proactive approaches before the commodity price roller coaster starts its next accelerated gyration of spirals and loops,” Allen added.

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a digital menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.


Open offers a digital menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.