Posted 12 years ago by test test

Mini iPad Menus Could be the Next Big Thing as iPad Mini Sales Climb2 min read

We can’t say that we didn’t see this one coming folks. As the popularity and viral capacity of the iPad mini continues as a technological trendsetter, sales are nearing points where they will ultimately eclipse that of the new iPad. According to a recent report that was published by NPD DisplaySearch, an analytics company that tracks technological trends and sales, that’s just what’s taking place right now; perhaps spurred by the mini price tag and coupled with the holiday shopping rush.

Initially, Apple had projected strong sales topping 6 million for the iPad mini. But in light of the recent buying trends by consumers seeking feature rich tweener tablets, sales are looking healthier than previously were estimated. So much so that Apple recently place an order with their display panel maker for 12 million more displays, hinting that they are tripling their initial sales expectations by spurred demand, and are now seeking to manufacture 12 million more units during the fourth quarter.

According to David Hsieh, a DisplaySearch analyst, the mini iPad is selling fast.

“The iPad Mini apparently is selling better than the fourth generation iPad,” Hsieh stated in an email to the press. “It seems people especially like the size… [it’s] lighter, slimmer and easier to carry.”

Driving the demand are some easily notable features:

  • Smaller display which is easier to hold
  • Lightweight
  • Popular Apple functions
  • Mini price tag of $329

Sales remain strong in spite of the failings of the iPad mini. For example, it does not feature the popular retina display of the new iPad. It has less memory, too. And, it uses the older silicon frame. But these negligible amenities have not effected sales, which are climbing faster than even Apple had suspected.

In 2013, the iPad mini could notably account for more than 50 percent of all iPad sales, DisplaySearch has predicted. That means that new sales during the next year could top 100 million units for Apple. But, Apple will first have to figure out how to get the displays it needs, which are made by AUO and LG Display, who have apparently been lackluster in meeting Apple’s production needs.

“In 2013, it is likely that Apple will adjust its product portfolio to meet the strong demand for the iPad Mini. We believe that Apple is targeting total iPad shipments of 100 million in 2013, half accounted for by the iPad Mini,” wrote Hsieh. “If the iPad Mini volume is anything near 50 million units, Apple will need to find other panel suppliers in addition to AUO and LG Display.”

With the newer, sleeker, and more compact iPad mini available, your iPad menus for restaurants have shrunk.