Posted 9 years ago by test test

More Incentives From Open – Our Unique Referral Program3 min read

Running a thriving business has never been more of a challenge than it has become with this age. The constant grinding of the gears of technology that have fully infiltrated every nook and cranny of modern living have brought about radical changes to the manner in which all of commerce interacts with consumers. More than ever, the current market is almost exclusively dictated by consumer preferences that appear to be developing new roots in the “me” generation’s rather narcissistic bent. What this means to businesses everywhere – and of all sizes – is full immersion in a perpetual process of updating and revamping. Continuing to present consumers with competitive access to the latest streamlining technology for all aspects of their experience is the name of the game.

Tech Revolution Creates “Sink or Swim” Climate

While continuity of business success formerly relied upon such aspects as quality, value, price relevancy and service (and still does,) without the technology to support operations—in both front end and back—we are beginning to witness the inevitable demise of older “Mom and Pop’s” enterprises that no longer appeal to today’s consumers. As a savvy proprietor or manager, the very fact that you are here, reading this right now indicates your understanding of such growth. You’ve either been operating with an early form of POS or you are preparing to make the move by reading up. In any case, Open has effectively ironed out a mass of wrinkles with the emergent POS of yore, mostly by expanding its range of uses and making uninterrupted use a given.

Get Paid – and No Waiting

As a member of the leading Open family POS integration for your business, you get more. When you refer another restaurant to Open, you’ll benefit from a perpetual revenue increase paid directly to your bank account and paid monthly. No small change, as for every referred restaurant, you’ll earn a full 20% of the net Open income generated by each one. We get your cash to you promptly, from dependable tracking that enables payment just as soon as the sale is completed. Then, monthly revenues commence with the referral’s completion of their first batch, and the associated processing fees are paid. Businesses supported by Open always enjoy more incentives, one of which is our way of showing our appreciation for your membership and your referrals. And you’ll take pride in knowing that our quality assurance team will have their back through every step of the process.

Just Using Open Sells It Best

You already know the value of POS and been relying on many of the aspects we’ve uniquely taken further to offer you superior ways of connecting without WIFI, recharging at tables, improved dining room to kitchen communications and more. As an Open subscriber, you are proving its value to your business, which will go further than anything you could say to colleagues and friends whose dining establishments could also benefit from our custom services. It’s a sure win-win, all around, in sharing the unparallelled excellence of Open with others.