Posted 13 years ago by test test

New iPad 3 by Apple Sets Sales Record, Opens Doors to New Prospects with an iPad Menu for Restaurants2 min read

ipad menu | digital menuThis is not really something that wasn’t all that expected – Apple’s new third generation iPad 3 tablet computer breaching sales records and setting a new standard for overall sales of any new technology device. And for the new CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, he is actually filling Mr. Steve Jobs’ shoes rather nicely. Following record sales last week, Cook spoke out about how things were going over at Apple.

“We had a record weekend, and we are thrilled with it,” Cook noted when on a conference call regarding their dividend and stock buyback program.

Speaking of which, the dividend and stock buyback program is expected to generate more than $10 million to shareholders in 2012.

According to the CFO of Apple, Peter Oppenheimer, “It will make us one of the largest dividend-payers in the United States.”

Considering that the iPad 3 opens up more doors with a more vibrant screen, faster process speeds, and more doodads than one could imagine—all housed in a thinner, more compact and sleeker tablet computer—it’s no surprise why we are talking about it over here at Open (considering we proudly provide the leading iPad Menu software in the industry today, and that the advent of the iPad 3 is the perfect host for our tablet-based digital menu software).

With a new iPad 3 out on the market, it presents more options to restaurant owners than ever before, and more affordable ones at that. For example, since the third generation of the tablet is now available nationwide, it also means that the first and second generations of this tablet are going to be significantly reduced in price.

Factoring in that one can use all three to easily power a digital menu, for businesses that are worried about the initial overhead investment in the tablets, the iPad 3 ensures that the iPad 2 just became a whole heck of a lot more affordable. This ultimately translates into a more feasible, affordable method of procuring lavish digital menu tablets that attract more patrons and serve to retain existing ones by supercharging the interactivity of the dining experience during the present day.

Now you can use the powerful new iPad 3 to revolutionize the dining experience and better streamline the facilitation of excellence in customer service, business management and return on investment with an iPad Menus solution in place by Open. Learn More.