Posted 12 years ago by test test

New Study Reveals Mobile Searches Powered by Urgency, Location – Restaurant Category to See Most Growth in Next 3-5 Years2 min read

New Study Reveals Mobile Searches Powered by Urgency, Location – Restaurant Category to See Most Growth in Next 3-5 Years A study was released today by to analytics companies — xAd and Telmetrics – that purport some rather interesting statistics regarding mobile phone searches and usage. According to the study, searches for restaurants on mobile phones have a whopping 90 percent conversion rate. Additionally, 64 percent of all mobile restaurant searches are converted into a sale of some kind, a call or intent to purchase within the first hour of the search. Furthermore, the study also showed that the top three considerations for users conducting mobile restaurant searches included: a phone number to call, directions to the restaurant and the close proximity of the restaurant, as 65 percent of all users are searching for a restaurant that’s within walking distance from them.

According to the study, 51 percent of users are looking for a phone number. However, about 7 out of 10 users are actually looking for the business location. This emphasizes the need for restaurants to be listed in a growing demographic of mobile searches where they can get found, pinpointing the necessity to offer easy mapping functions and telephone information for mobile searches for restaurants.

The president of Telemetrics, Bill Dinan, was certain to underline that the location is the largest factor for mobile phone users searching for restaurants, with an estimated 3 out of 5 users being undecided in where they will go to dine.

“Whether it’s location or indicators of location, those are probably the most important factors here,” Dinan said in a recent statement to the press. “Where you have 3 out of 5 users going into restaurants without a specific restaurant or specific brand in mind, they are looking for something in the category near them.”

By contrast to tablet users, the mobile spectrum is rather different. Unlike mobile users who are searching for contact information and directions, tablet users are more searching for user reviews, coupons and restaurant menu items, thus heightening the need for restaurants to also feature a digital menu on their mobile search that can serve to attract the tablet users as well as the mobile users.

“The ad that’s got that location specific information that helps me realize what’s closest to me on a smartphone, that’s what I’m going after,” Dinan explained. “The one that’s got the coupons and all that, that’s more of my research and tablet sign.”

Dinan further added that coupons and deals were not the only objective or superlative of tablet users. It’s about location and ease of contact with mobile and tablet users. According to the study, restaurants are projected to be in the top three categories of growth for mobile and tablet users over the next three to five years.

Is your restaurant positioned for mobile growth and tablet users? Find out how you can offer a digital menu, online delivery and ordering features, and get found more often on mobile and tablet searches with Open’s signature All-in-One Digital Solutions. Learn more.

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