Posted 12 years ago by test test

Pad Reservation System Streamlines Digital Reservations2 min read

There are newer ways to book a reservation to a restaurant by using an iPad reservation system. Now customers – as well as prospective customers – can gain access to your information, your menu and your restaurant all by using their iPad or iPhone device. If you are not yet offering an iPad reservation system, you could be missing out on tons of business that could be streaming the other direction; to other restaurants instead of yours. So what are these newer systems, how do they work, and how can they benefit you and your restaurant now and well into the future? Let’s dig in and see what you are missing out on, so the digital revolution does not pass you by in the blink of an eye.

Easy-to-Use Software Super-Boosts Reservations

Newer software is easily installed onto your website in mere minutes by your tech department at a very low cost, as the software is ready to use and needs just a little bit of technical work to be added to your existing website. What an iPad reservation system does is enables guests to find your restaurant by using online or app searches, and then digitally book a reservation to it from the iPad tablet or even from their iPhone; two of the most popular technological devices of the present day. By offering such a reservation system you are essentially directly connecting to 1000s of prospective customers who swear by using these devices.

How Cost Effective is This Software?

Here’s the best part, with an iPad reservation system, if you choose the right software provider, you can enjoy low monthly rates with no contracts. The best software will offer multiple caveats, too. For instance, with an All-in-One solution offered by Open, you also get iPad menu software, iPad POS, and even a smartphone app. When you weigh a monthly subscription against the cost of one-time software licenses that often do not include the updates, it generally makes more financial sense to use a monthly software service for your iPad reservation system.

Benefits of an iPad Reservation System

There some easily realized benefits of offering an iPad reservation system, so let’s explore them:

  • Easy-to-use software can be added to your website in one day
  • Attract more guests by catering to their technological desires
  • Fill more empty tables daily
  • Increase sales monthly
  • Enjoy low cost monthly rates with no contracts
  • Add digital menus to super-charge your restaurant’s sales with the same software
  • Synch to iPad POS and iPad menu for total digital menu software solution