Posted 12 years ago by test test

PEW Study Reveals that 1 in 4 People Now Use Apps – Would You Use a Digital Menu App to Order Food?2 min read

digital menu appThe Pew Internet Project tracks and analyzes information regarding web and smartphone usage by Americans. The statistics are telling of just how popular and widely used applications for smart devices have become. In lieu of the rising demographics of smartphone users who have apps installed (and who use them) on their smartphones and other devices (like tablets), it’s telling of how popular (and useful) a digital menu app would be for hungry patrons.

According to the PEW Study:

  • At least 82% of all US adults own and use smartphones.
  • 43% of them have apps installed.
  • More than two-thirds of those who have apps installed use them regularly.
  • An estimated 25% of all Americans have and use apps on a daily basis.
  • More than one-third of all smartphone users have downloaded apps.
  • 13% of them have paid for apps.
  • Half of all users have downloaded and used an app in the past month.
  • One-third have downloaded an app in the past week.
  • The average app user has 18 apps installed on their device; with a median of 10 apps per user.
  • Shopping accounts for nearly 25% of all app usage.
  • Of those who have downloaded and installed apps, two-thirds say they use their apps daily.
  • One in four users use their apps for 30 minutes per day.
  • 71% of app users use their apps when they are alone.
  • 56% delete their apps within two weeks it they do not find them to be useful.
  • 59% of users rearrange their apps to make the most used ones more easily accessible.

Digital Menu App to Order FoodBenefits of a Digital Menu App

With all of this app usage, could offering a handy digital menu app for your customers actually take the dining experience to new levels? Here are a few features you can bet your customers will enjoy.

  • View high definition images of menu items before ordering.
  • Read detailed descriptions of menu items and restaurant.
  • Be offered pairing options for drinks.
  • Add-on suggestions for appetizers and sides.
  • Hours of operation and location information.
  • Social media sharing and recommend features.
  • Turn-by-turn driving or walking directions to your restaurant.
  • One-button ordering.
  • One-button table service request.
  • Secure payment via app or one-button check request.

As time passes, and as smart enabled devices and tablets become increasingly popular, it’s safe to bet that more people will want to satisfy their hunger by using an app to order food. Do you think that your customers would benefit from having a digital menu app to order food for delivery, carryout or for in-house dining at your restaurant?

Learn more about a digital menu app by Open.