Posted 10 years ago by test test

POS and the Flea Market2 min read

Everyone loves the flea market. Now this may sound like a blanket statement, but can you think of any other place that attracts such a diverse and sizeable crowd on such a regular basis? Going to the flea market for many people is a wonderfully fun experience because you never really know what you’re going to walk away with and often it’ll be something completely different than what your friends and family found. It is truly a wonderful way to spend a Saturday and an even better way to spend forty dollars. That being said the biggest flaw in the flea market system is just that. Customers will always be limited by the amount of cash they brought, as most stands do not except plastic. And thus they will be very careful with their purchases, wanting to make sure they spend their cash right. If you run a stand a flea market, this puts your profits in jeopardy because whose to say they wont size up your merchandise and then go off somewhere else, spend some money their and by the time they come back they don’t have enough to purchase what they were looking at from you. There is only so much cash that people feel comfortable carrying around, and that harms your business. So what can you do about it?

Well the easiest and most obvious of choices would be to invest in an ipad and an ipad point of sale system. This allows portable credit card transactions. Now when you think about just how many customers you could have with this, certainly you want to consider it. Not only will you now be able to accept credit cards and debit cards, but you will be able to swipe them and complete payment in a matter of seconds. This doesn’t break the flow of energy in the Flea Market and allows your customers to buy what they want not just what they can. This kind of convenient and quick transaction does not feel out of place at all among the speedy transactions that are usually associated with flea markets, so it won’t draw negative attention for being slow, quite the opposite. Customers will remember that they can use plastic at your stand and how quickly the transactions are and come back again and again, telling their friends and family that stands like yours are the place to be.