Posted 10 years ago by test test

POS At Sporting Events2 min read

There are few gatherings of humanity that are quite as chaotic as a sporting event. Thousands of people packed into a stadium, shouting, eating, drinking, and laughing. And then the moment that half-time starts, they scatter to every venue in the stadium buying food, souvenirs, anything they can get their hands on before it is time to return to their seats. Trying to make sense of something like this would be like trying to wrestle a tornado, but there are ways you and your employees can improve the experience for the devoted sports fans you know and love. You can do this by incorporating an iPad point of sale system into the functions of your concessions and souvenir stands. A POS will connect all your venues together, synchronizing inventory data, payment collection and customer data, all in an easy and well organized manner that will cut down on wait times for the fans.

Using a POS allows for quick and easy credit card swiping, this cuts down on the amount of pens lost and the amount of pins not entered properly, more importantly in turn that cuts down on the amount of angry fans who don’t have enough time to wait in line before the next half starts. With POS, one card swipe, and boom you have a happy fan walking away and a line that is starting to move again. The last thing anyone wants at a sporting event is a frozen line. Unfortunately these are all too easy to come by. Sometimes the machines break down, sometimes you’re out of a certain product and have to restock, and every once and awhile you get that one customer who absolutely needs to make their purchase in change and slow everything down. POS will establish a rhythm to everything it is connected to, and soon your sporting events will move like a well oiled machine, pulsing and flowing in an actually organized fashion.

We live in a truly amazing, digital age. POS technology is on the rise and being adopted by new businesses of all types every day. You may have thought it impossible but the advent of POS technology is making everything more convenient, its hard to believe that it can stem the tide of hungry sports fans but that’s exactly what it is designed for and it will change the game for you and your customers. So that you can stop worrying about half-time and get back to the main event.