Posted 10 years ago by test test

POS Technology IS The Future: Don’t be Left Behind3 min read

Children who are affectionately known as the “baby boomer” generation grew up watching TV kids’ programs such as “The Jetsons,” and “Lost in Space,” just two of the very popular science fiction TV programs of the day. All such programs attempted to paint a picture of a world that would someday exist, however far away in the distant future, that would find life on Earth drastically different and evolved from the one that was the standard of the day during the ‘50s and ‘60s. Transportation would no longer be restricted to roadways and even come in contact with the ground, as futuristic cars would jet from point A to point B through the air, to homes built high atop the ground and looking more like flying saucers and the like. At the time, the future seemed to be some sort of distant and unreachable place for most of us. Still, it was thrilling and fun to imagine the state of prevalent technology transforming to such radically different forms. There would be robots for maids and just about anything could be gotten or accomplished by pressing a little round button somewhere.

It Was Fun to Imagine the Possibilities

All the fantastic imagery conjured up by those creative minds of the day, at the time, seemed to be presented more for our entertainment than for any semblance of accuracy in foretelling a possible future. Most home audiences did not even halfway imagine living long enough to witness in real time, any such futuristic capabilities, even if they did entertain the notion that any of it would one day be at all possible. It was fun to watch and dream…regardless of any possible level of realism, possible or not.

Here we Now Are – Living in the Future

It might sound a bit contradictory, to say that we are living in the future, however the time in which we now find ourselves living and operating is certainly a future of those somewhat crudely portrayed “modern” folks of TV and big screen fame of that time. While air travel via car has not been nearly developed to the point of mass implementation, it is surely being studied, tested and developed. And we pretty much have all of the other envisioned technology that TV shows at one time predicted, everything has not become feasible to become widely owned, due to affordability, but it’s just a matter of time. One area where the futuristic early TV programs fell short was in the incredible ability we would have to collect, categorize and use information on every aspect of business, including customers, potential customers, profit control and employees. We are living the future that those TV shows predicted, but with even more knowledge and info than we ever conceived possible.

Not Even a Possibility for Success – POS technology is a Must

Soon, any business found not operating with POS technology will simply not be able to compete with everyone else on the scene. Because we live in an information age, the way we collect data, the speed with which it can be available to us and the way we use it is critical to the ongoing success of any business. Any businesses not operating with POS technology will be left to guess at everything, and no one has time to see if guessing will work. Next time you are out and about, take note of just how many business transactions everywhere are already relying on POS systems. The future? We’re there.