Posted 13 years ago by test test

Reservation System Apple: A Portable Paperless Reservation Book2 min read

The old-fashioned, traditional restaurant reservation book is going the way of the traditional printed menu at restaurants across the country. Whereas old-fashioned paper menus have been replaced by state-of-the-art digital menus (see our previous article, “Feature-Rich Digital Menus Save Time and Money for NYC Eatery”), the traditional paper reservation book is being replaced by a reservation system Apple.

With the coming of age of the reservation system Apple, restaurants no longer are forced to choose between using a paper reservation book and an expensive electronic booking system that requires space-eating, proprietary hardware and dedicated terminals and software.

Joule Restaurant in Wallingford, Washington, decided against getting a computer-operated reservation booking system when they opened their restaurant in 2008, because of both the cost and space demands. But last year, they got a reservation system Apple. They couldn’t be happier.

The reservation system Apple – an iPad-based, portable restaurant reservation booking system and subscription service – is easy to use. While it can take a week for staff to learn to use more complex, stationary, computer-operated reservation systems, the reservation system Apple is so intuitive, it requires no training manual.

Moreover, the reservation system Apple not only lets restaurants manage their reservation booking system on an iPad, it also lets them track a wealth of customer-specific empirical data, such as individual patron’s table preferences or seating requests, preferred dining times, frequency and dates of visits, amount spent, habits, tastes (likes and dislikes), foods and beverages (including favorite cocktails, wines, appetizers, entrees, sides, and desserts), food allergies, spouse or partner’s name, and important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries — relationship-building details which can make all the difference in a restaurant-goer’s dining experience.

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a unique All-in-One Solution that features a reservation system Apple and that also includes a reservation app, integrated POS with remote access and an easy-to-use online interface. Click Here to learn more.