Posted 10 years ago by test test

Restaurants are Using POS Technology to Entertain Patrons With Dining Facts and Etiquette Details2 min read

Have you noticed the sudden wave of POS technology that has come to many fast casual and casual dining restaurants and eateries around town? If you have had little or no experience with POS technology, here’s your chance to use it and develop a real appreciation for just how it works. By placing a small touchscreen device at each table, restaurants are giving much to their customers in the form of power and entertainment. Gone now is the need to wave, yell and get up to go find your server, as the diner can express many different needs directly and instantaneously through their POS touchscreen device. Many of the levels of capabilities (as pre-set by each restaurant) include ordering and even paying for your meal by using the device.

Enhanced Dining With Entertainment for the Whole Family

This technology is in no way designed to replace the personal touch that only a human server can provide, but it is to enhance the dining experience so that hopefully every aspect of the visit is rewarding and circumvents any potential frustration for both the diner and the server. Got kids? They quickly become enthralled with the huge variety of fun games contained on these devices, and they all enable different mastery levels, so adults enjoy playing them as well. The wait time (if there is one,) seems nominal with a fun game to entertain you, right there at the table. Families with young children actually report being able to truly enjoy going out for a meal, since the advent of these POS devices have become standard inclusions in the experience. They have solved the problem of unsettled children who have yet to learn the fine art of cultured mealtime behavior.

Loads of Features

These tabletop tablets can feature a lot of extras, like card readers to process credit and debit payments, and they make it possible to share your real time experience on Facebook. There are units that are made with a camera, so that you can take pictures of everyone enjoying their meal and good company and share them on social media too. They offer tip calculators to take out the guesswork when it’s time to pay. Customers can enroll in your eclub, which will share specials and offer them exclusive promotions and discounts through membership. They can present customized customer surveys so that restaurant owners and management can get much needed feedback. Specialized software can be added to include interesting factoids and helpful information. Tabletop POS tablets are here, and they have been met with nothing but outstanding praise, industry-wide.