Posted 13 years ago by test test

Restaurants Worldwide Dabbling with iPad Digital Menus for Ordering3 min read

The menus you see at restaurants could soon be changing to iPad digital menus, as more and more eateries start playing around with the thought of streamlining customer service and efficiency by adding iPad digital menus.

The future really is truly upon us all. One could easily denote this by merely taking a car for a test drive at a local dealership. Even low end models that are “economy” offer onboard GPS and onboard computers, some so elaborate that they even feature voice dialing, customer support that’s live and even turn-by-turn voice directions. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Ford – who once said when he unveiled the first Model T that you could get your car in any color you liked as long as that color was black. One has a good mind to think that Ford is eating his heart out over the technology that currently makes cars razzle and dazzle.

Now there are phones that are so smart and capable that they are like mini supercomputers that you carry around in your pocket. If you told someone in the 80s that computers that took up whole rooms would be pocket-sized in 20 years, they would have laughed you out of that decade!

But such is the case.

And now … Viola: iPad digital menus that will soon be gracing the tables at the fine restaurant you like to frequent. This is not something that’s coming soon. Rather, it’s here, it’s now, it’s hot, spicy and pretty darn cool, too.

Out with paper and in with digital. Seemingly, eateries around the globe are toying with the idea of converting tablet gadgets like iPads into full blown, amenity rich digital menus that provide high resolution pictures of menu items and even have built in order capabilities, call the waiter features, and yes, social media, streaming news, and so much more.

At Stacked, a restaurant located in Los Angeles, iPad digital menus are the new waiter.

Paul Motenko, the owner of Stacked, told the press that these digital menus make things more efficient. “On the way to the kitchen, the server probably takes care of a couple of other tables, gives them some refills, clears some tables,” he said.

Then there are the endless menu combinations, toppings, sides, specialty orders and so forth, something that Motenko says can be very confusing, and more importantly, time consuming in a customer service atmosphere.

“A hundred percent of their focus is on taking care of the guests,” Motenko said of his new and stylish iPad digital menus that are outfitted on most tables at Stacked.

Motenko’s iPad digital menus don’t feature Twitter and Facebook, or news feeds, like Open Digital Menus do, but they do make the meal easier to order and more interactive and fun.

The tablets are outfitted with alarms that sound if a person tries to walk out the door with them, too.

Similarly, Barbacco in San Francisco features a digital wine list using iPads

And at Global Mundo Typass in Sydney, Australia, they only use iPad digital menus, and are widely credited as one of the first places to have implemented them.

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a digital menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.