Posted 13 years ago by test test

Retailers Cashing in on iPad Menu App with iPad POS for Registers2 min read

iPad POS | iPad POS System | iPad MenuIt’s official folks: in the most recent digital menu news, retailers are starting to hop on iPad menu bandwagon. In a recent press release, a company is now featuring an iPad menu app that allows retailers to convert cash registers to a newer, more profound, easier to use and streamlined iPad menu. More importantly, these iPad menus also include a retail iPad POS system. And according to one spokesperson for the company that is designing them, from a recent article that was published by the USA Today, “[…] POS as you know it today is dead.”

The demand for iPad menus and digital dining has never been higher and more obvious, not to mention more practical for businesses worldwide, inclusive of mom and pop shops all the way up the commercial ladder to big box stores, restaurants and even hotel chains. According to recent market research that was conducted by NPD, about 75% of all Americans will try and to buy a tablet device – the same ones used to host iPad menus – at a retail establishment this year. And according to the Retail National Federation, about half of all retailers that were polled agreed that they will be using a mobile iPad POS solution within 18 months. This is compared to about 6% at the same time last year.

Why Consumers Want the iPad POS?

In short, POS as we used to know it is outdated, expensive and obsolete. That’s why more entities are moving to the cost effective, easier to use and easier to maintain iPad POS. And when applied to the restaurant format, it also includes a synchronized iPad menu that communicates directly to the iPad POS systems, tracks orders, offers secure payment at table, and even features multiple sales points with cloud-based and remote access via iPad POS app.

A recent article that was published in the USA is telling of the wide swath of demand for the iPad POS within the hospitality and retail sectors.

Small merchants are often saddled with clunky POS systems that cost thousands of dollars a year to maintain, and take hours to install.

Practical Applications of iPad Menus

From small to large entities and everything in between, the iPad menu just makes sense. Menus are easy to setup and design, and they can be rotated or updated throughout the day. All inventory items are tracked in real time and mobile access, and automated ordering and low inventory alerts assure the profundity of the operations. With a caveat of other features included – not to mention that studies show that consumers are more prone to ordering more food when they are presented with high resolution pictures of menu items – is telling of the future of the digital menu.