Posted 10 years ago by test test

Rewarding Your Customers Through Your POS (Birthdays, Holidays, etc.)2 min read

Shopping incentives and special promotions are only as beneficial as they are able to reach target recipients, and while there’s nothing like having your business plastered across city buses and billboards all over town, there is no comparison to direct hit marketing. Generalized advertising methods that may have been seen as adequate tools for growing business in the past are just not as effective as they once were. POS technology allows you to not only directly communicate with your customers via their iPhones and laptops but it also enables you to concentrate promotions to reach the exact sector of the public that you deem to represent your most likely market.

A Focus on the Customer

Gathering your customers information is secure and painless, and once you know details like when they have a birthday or any other significant date coming up, you can effectively honor those occasions with a special promotion, created just for the date. POS technology allows you to keep a running record of the number of times a customer has shopped with you, the frequency of their visits, what they bought, what (if anything,) they returned and even store their general or specific preferences.

Marketing Campaigns and Customer Rewards

A generous customer loyalty rewards program will do more to grow your business than any other efforts, and POS technology makes generating and sending such “thank-yous” easy and highly personalized, using all the pertinent info at the tip of your fingers. Instantly notify customers when special orders come in, as well as when you increase your inventory with items that you know your customer would like to know about. A POS system really does an excellent job of taking the guesswork out of all aspects of business management, customer service, marketing campaigns and more.

The Software Makes the Difference

There are many excellent software programs that make orchestrating customer incentives and other marketing programs a piece of cake, but they are not all alike. It’s important to do a little research into what each software provides and choose the one that best aligns with how you would like to conduct all such programs. With certain types of this software you can create custom-branded credit and debit cards for your customers to use. Later you can view all your incentives from a dashboard that will show you the effectiveness and other results of each one.

Collect Feedback With Forms

There are programs that allow you to create online surveys as tools for collecting customer feedback, and will go on to analyze all the data collected for you. Some programs keep a close watch for both happy and not so happy customers, providing a variety of formats they can use to share details of their experience shopping with you.