Posted 11 years ago by test test

Rumor Mill: iPad 5, Mini iPad 2 Destined to Get Retina Display1 min read

These are more than just rumors; they’ve come directly from a bulletin that was posted by iOS developers at Apple, Inc.: the iPad 5 and the iPad Mini 2, both much anticipated forthcoming models by Apple, are both slated for the Retina Display.

In a note to the developers on iTunes this past week, Apple stated that all future iOS applications should be developed to cater to display-toting devices that include the Retina. This posting created the rumor that the dark pre-Retina screens are finally being phased out by the computer maker.

The note read as: Starting May 1, new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built for iOS devices with Retina display and iPhone apps must also support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. Learn about preparing your apps by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines,’ which appears to be a fairly conclusive statement: Develop for Retina display or don’t develop at all.

Under this premonition, it’s safe to presume that Apple intends to only launch its newer products using the high-tech Retina display screen. Considering that other, more affordable Android devices have been boasting more incredible screen resolutions, this is, perhaps, Apple’s big attempt to catch up.

But not so fast… because Sharp’s industry leading IGZO technology is what’s slated for use in the screen of the iPad 5, leading us to believe that the iPad Mini 2 will get the Retina upgrade while the iPad 5 will get a thinner technology that makes it an even more veritable computing device.

More rumors are speculating regarding the actual release dates of the iPad 5, iPad Mini 2 and iPhone 5s. Some people say late June of this year. While others claim it’s October.

(Read more about release date speculations here.)