Posted 12 years ago by test test

Signature Amenities of iPad POS – How They Streamline Your Restaurant3 min read

Prior to the arrival of such technological innovations, previous point-of-sale systems were powered by bulkier terminals and PC-powered software applications that confounded many users, and that also had limitations attached as far as effectiveness, features and functionality, and overall required initial investment (some that generally cost businesses a few thousand dollars to implement with the appropriate licenses). More recently, over the past couple of years, breakthroughs in the software sector have enabled the pioneering of iPad POS software. Could this newer and more refined approach to business accounting software change the way that businesses operate for the better?

Reduces Managerial Strain
With older POS systems, managers had a lot more workload. Integrated employee time card systems schedule hours and generate payroll, and the inventory is intelligent and self-managing (set the items just one time and the inventory tracks and manages them from there on out, sending key alerts when items need to be reordered, and even printing order forms for vendors).

Visual Interface is Easy for Staff to Learn
Previous point-of-sale systems required training sessions for staff. Many times the systems were confusing, and this meant increased hours spent training staff members on the functionality of the systems. The intuitiveness of the iPad tablet has reversed the nomenclature of POS being difficult to learn. The visual interface helps staff members learn the functions and features more quickly, and the user-friendliness of such software ensures that the learning curve is easily adapted to– thus exponentially reducing the learning time and training time for new staff members.

Synchs with Digital Menus to Enhance Customer Experience
The most prominent makers of iPad POS systems also piggyback their point-of-sale solutions with digital menus that are powered by the iPad tablets. The POS systems are able to communicate and integrate with the tablets that are running the digital menu software for real-time ordering, secure payment at table and the ability to offer lavish and vivid digital menus. The menus are outfitted with desirable features that allow guests to place orders, enter custom cooking specifications, order drinks, request table service, tender secure payment (from the table) and view detailed descriptions of menu items– inclusive of high-resolution images and wine and beer pairing options.

Does iPad POS Make Sense for Restaurants?
Considering that the premier makers of these systems offer the equipment and software at feasible prices, and also considering that the user licenses are more affordable and realistically priced (than conventional POS), it could make sense for restaurants of various sizes that are seeking to better manage operations while facilitating a more customer-service enhanced environment for their patrons that’s streamlined by digitally automated staff and management functions to offer the most replete dining experience possible. From the managerial side, these software systems ease the burden of previously arduous and often remedial tasks that can detract from managerial effectiveness.

Learn more about complete iPad POS solutions, which include digital menu software, payroll functions, real-time reservations and much more by Open for a low monthly price with no contracts.