Posted 12 years ago by test test

Simple Design Tips Revealed to Increase Food Sales with a Digital Menu2 min read

Simple Design Tips Revealed to Increase Food Sales with a Digital MenuDigital menu design is really easy with Open’s suite of digital menu software. In fact, if you can use a simple word processor, a smartphone, a home computer or a tablet computer, you already are a menu design wizard; because our point-and-click software really makes it that effortless with no programming skills required. On your way to creating a beautiful menu, keep in mind the following menu design tips that can help spur more orders and increase overall foods sales.

Take the Time to Take Pictures of Menu Items

This may be a tedious affair, but well worth it in the end. A good quality digital camera and a nice backdrop will be all that you require. Have your chef whip up a dish of each menu item and appetizer. Snap a few high quality photos of each dish. Edit the pictures and crop them to ensure quality. Upload and include these pictures in your menu items. Pictures of food sell a lot more food.

Offer Plenty of Add-ons, Specials & Appetizers

Don’t leave your guests to wonder what else they could be ordering… tell them. With our menu software, you can easily add as many specials and appetizers as well as indulgence items as desired. They can be featured as side-scrolling items alongside of your regular menu items. This will help attract more sales to these key, profit-generating menu items.

Offer Wine by the Bottle (in Addition to the Glass)

Wine by the bottle sells more wine. Sure, you should also offer wine by the glass. Look into the laws in your region, as many regions have laws in place that allow customers to legally take home the remaining portion of a bottle of wine (the laws vary by region, so be sure to look them up first). Selling wine by the bottle is a fabulous way to vastly increase your sales of high-profit items.

Feature Unique Specials for Each Day

Static specials bore guests and detract from sales. Rather, spice things up a bit. Offer unique specials for each day. Change up your specials every day of the week. Allow your customers to be presented with a new special every time they visit you, and keep them coming back for more each time.

Use Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Lastly, harness the power of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word. Post unique specials on coupon sites like Groupon and Living Social to attract new customers. With Open’s suite of smartphone apps, use Google Places and our mobile menu app to make your menu mobile for smartphone users. Update your specials and post to Facebook with featured menu items and daily specials. You will be surprised at how many people you reach, and who also find you when you use the powerful tool of social media marketing to increase your sales.

Learn more about a digital menu by Open.