Posted 12 years ago by test test

Smartphone Apps – How Many People Use Them? What Is Your Restaurant Missing Out On By Not Offering One?2 min read

smartphone appIt is time for some fun facts about smartphone apps. And the numbers surrounding these apps paint a very vivid picture regarding why as a restaurant you want to be offering them. A recent study that was conducted by eMarketer revealed that more than 73-million people in the US are using smartphones during the present day. Of those 73-million people (and our country has an estimated population of around 300-million), they comprise more than 30% of all mobile phone users.

So about 30% of all mobile phone users would be around 21-million people who are using smartphone apps in the US as of the present day, and of these people, according to recent surveys and polls that were conducted by Harris Interactive and, about 70% of these smartphone users have downloaded and used at least one app.

One can conclude that this is a very large and growing demographic—one that purports that by offering a smartphone app, you can tap into this million-million marketplace. But wait… it gets even more interesting.

American Express conducted a recent survey and found that 60% of smartphone users who downloaded and installed an app to their phone were only likely to use it if the app was free (and with Open’s smartphone apps, you can offer a FREE restaurant app, takeout app, order food app, restaurant ordering app, restaurant delivery app, etc. that has a 60% usability rate, according to the stats compiled by this recent survey).

But wait… it gets even saucier. A recent white paper that was released by Global Mobile Statistics shows an even greater demand for these smartphone apps.

  • More than 300,000 smartphone apps have been created and released in the past several years.
  • Smartphone apps have been downloaded nearly 11 billion times, and this is expected to rise in 2013.
  • There are now nearly 6-billion mobile subscribers worldwide; nearly 90% of the world population. China and India account for about 30% of these numbers.

As you can see, the demand for smartphones and capable apps is not just there, it’s obvious. The market is also growing at unprecedented rates worldwide. So is there a way for you to cash in with your restaurant on this enormous and growing marketplace?

Open is a premier provider of the World’s most intuitive and feature-rich digital menu software. With our signature All-in-One solution, we include a handy smartphone app that requires no programming on the side of the restaurant owner. You could be featuring your menu, including delivery options, order food options, and take out options, as well as reservation features, on the smartphone app marketplace today, and appealing to the 70-million plus consumers that use these apps every day. Learn more about the Smartphone App by Open.